“The ghosts of three ladies of the night, a blonde, a brunette and a redhead, are said to haunt room 13.”

It happened one night on Halloween. Charlie was lucky. The very last room in the very last hotel in town was free, and he could check in after a long day of meetings. The landlady was very no-nonsense and matter-of-fact as she handed over the key to room 13. Charlie was to make no noise after 10pm and breakfast would be served 7am on the dot. But the landlady also had a warning for him.
“Do you believe in ghosts, Charlie?”
“Don’t be silly of course not!” The attractive landlady’s face contorted, showing her disdain for his skepticism.
“Well, I’ll only warn you once...” The landlady’s voice lowered, and although Charlie expected that what she was about to say would be entirely preposterous, he somehow felt compelled to listen.
“The ghosts of three ladies of the night, a blonde, a brunette and a redhead, are said to haunt room 13.”
“Oh. Really.”
“Word has it that you can summon them with the phrase ‘O spirits of the night, come upon me’. But do take care as these spirits are true sirens and they’re addictive! So the adage goes, ‘Summon them once and they’ll please you. Summon them twice and they’ll tease you. But summon them thrice and they will destroy you!”
There was something about the way the landlady enunciated those last few words that gave Charlie a chill down his spine, despite telling himself that this was totally ludicrous.
“See you for breakfast,” Charlie said, wanting some time alone in his room. The landlady wishes him a good night.
After such a long day, Charlie was eager to get some sleep. He undressed and slid under the covers of a bed that was perfectly comfortable...but despite the curtains giving complete black-out and there being not a sound to be heard, Charlie just couldn’t fall asleep.
He had been tossing and turning for over an hour when he started feeling frustrated...and a bit horny too. He got out from under the covers, put the bedside lamp on, paced around his room then sat down on the end of the bed.
“Ha. It would be good if those poltergeists could come and entertain me now!” he chuckled to himself. “What was that phrase now? O spirits of the night, come upon me?”
Suddenly the temperature in the room dropped by five degrees. Charlie could see nothing in the now dimly lit room...but he could feel something...fingers...lips...tongues...all over his naked body. It felt sensational! Were these the sexy poltergeists he’d been warned about? If they were, he was glad to believe in ghosts! It was difficult to differentiate, but yes, there were three pairs of lips and six hands. They continued to stroke him, caress him and whisper softly in his ears. They sounded so seductive. The lips when down his body to his cock, where he felt the gentle lapping of tongues on his cock. Then one mouth around his cock, another around his balls, and another going from nipple to nipple. Charlie was so aroused and already addicted! But in a flash it was all over and they were gone.
His first experience of ghosts had been phenomenal! Were all ghosts like that? If so, the supernatural world did not seem a bad place to be! He tried to sleep, but felt compelled to summon them again. ‘Summon them twice and they’ll tease’? That didn’t sound too bad. What red-blooded male doesn’t like to be teased? Still, a sense of apprehension was there, until he finally succumbed and summoned them, from his seat at the foot of the bed.
“O spirits of the night, come upon me!”
Immediately Charlie felt a violent force push him flat back onto the bed. Invisible cuffs were placed on his wrists, an ankle spreader down below. This time the spirits didn’t whisper...they giggled playfully, dragging their fingernails lightly and teasingly all over his torso. What was that slightly sharp sensation? A pin wheel running up his thighs? He felt a sudden tightness on his nipples…were they being sucked? Pulled? Or were ghostly clamps being applied? There was a lot going on as the three spirits chattered away mischievously but indeterminibly. Charlie started to feel he was losing control…and he liked it! At least he did until something sticky was attached to his hard cock and aching balls, and all of a sudden he felt an electrical charge through his body. Nothing too strong, but who knew where this could go next? His cock was raging, he was ready to cum, he was on the brink of explosion, when as quick as a flash the sensations and the spirits disappeared as swiftly as they had come. There was only he, his erect penis and blue balls left there.
Charlie could not believe they had edged him like that and just left him wanting more! He tried to masturbate, but he couldn’t recreate those incredible feelings the kinky poltergeists had given him. They had opened a door that he could not close.
“‘Summon them thrice and they’ll destroy you’? She can’t have meant literal annihilation, can she?” Charlie pondered while he agonised over calling the three spirits again. But his genitals had already made the decision…
“O spirits of the night, come upon me!”
He felt their presence. But didn’t feel anything at first. The silence was deeply ominous. But then there was a chorus of laughs…not light giggles like before, but loud, sinister, menacing laughs! Charlie started to regret his decision…but it was too late. He felt fingers penetrate his throat, much more roughly than before, and he felt a similar sensation at the entrance to his anus. He was way out of his depth now. Two of the spirits were about to spit-roast him with supernatural strap ons! He was levitated into a position on all fours on the bed, and felt a dildo in his mouth. He sucked on it while another began to fuck him from behind. The kinky poltergeists were nowhere near as gentle as before as Charlie received a royal roasting from two of them while one tugged on his hard cock. He loved it even more than the first two rounds!
He heard a scary female voice in his ear, “That’s the trouble with you mortals. You just want more and more and more! Face it Charlie, you can’t live without us! Do you want to come with us to the spirit world…forever?”
“Yes, yes, take me with you, I want to come…with you.” And with that the rising cum in his balls exploded in the most incredibly powerful orgasm Charlie had ever had, which blasted him straight to the other side. And that was the end of Charlie.
The landlady climbed the stairs to room 13 in the morning, when Charlie failed to arrive for breakfast, fully knowing that she would unlock the door to be greeted by an empty bed with a great many stains on the bedding. She did wonder why they never heeded her warnings…were they really that good? Maybe she would try summoning them sometime…
